God is Nowhere, Life is Now Here

His declaration that God is dead simply means that Man is born. That is the other side of the coin. And because man is born, he brings freedom to the earth, he brings joy to the earth, he brings dignity to the earth. And he destroys all that was clinging to the ultimate lie, God – all the superstitions, heaven and hell, all theologies, all religions…all kinds of false programming of man’s being. They have also died with God.
“Hence, I celebrate myself and I celebrate you“
“Friedrich Nietzsche’s statement also includes another part: ‘God is dead, therefore man is free.’ God was the slavery of man, he was the bondage. He was the prison that did not allow humanity to rise to its ultimate heights. He was keeping the whole of humanity reduced to subhuman beings, sinners. His death is a great moment to celebrate. His death means man has come of age. He is no longer a child and he does not need a father figure. He can stand on his own feet. He is not a sheep, as all the religions have been telling him, and he does not need any shepherds. Jesus, Krishna, Mahavira, Mohammed, Moses… no prophets are needed, no saviors are needed, no messengers of God are needed. They were all megalomaniacs, and in the name of God they have been pushing human consciousness to the lowest levels of existence.” Osho
God is Nowhere, Life is Now Here
Een verzameling pittige Zenlezingen worden er in dit boek gepresenteerd. Het unieke stevige werk van Zenmeesters wordt door Osho, keer op keer. zichtbaar gemaakt, ook met de nodige humor. De mensheid is diep in slaap en heeft deze aanpak nodig. En het is in dienst van ons eigen geluk.Osho zegt: “I celebrate myself. And I hope soon the day will come that you will be celebrating yourself.”
De titel van het boek komt voort uit een slogan die een arts in zijn wachtkamer had gezet: God is Now Here. Zo zou iedereen dit lezen en religieus worden.
De eerste dag las het zoontje van de arts de zin voor en zei:God is Nowhere. Het ligt vlakbij elkaar en toch is er een wezenlijk verschil. Osho legt er de nadruk op, dat het Leven bestaat en niet God.
Vier het leven, geniet van het leven. Laat je leven volkomen vrij zijn, fier rechtop, een dans en een feest.
Het boek I Celebrate Myself is verkrijgbaar bij de Boekhandel.
Impressie van I Celebrate Myself
God is Nowhere, Life is Now Here
“I celebrate myself, and I want you also to celebrate yourself,” says Osho, echoing the American poet, Walt Whitman. In this powerful series of talks, Osho takes on all our assumptions and misconceptions that we live in a divided universe; creator and created, believer and belief, theist and atheist: “The idea of God is an imprisonment, and only when one is free from this prison can one know what it is to live in a celebrative way.”
“The statement of Friedrich Nietzsche that God is dead, is only symbolic because God has never been in the first place – not even born. How can he be dead? But it was a tremendously powerful symbol to declare that God is dead.
“It was a recognition that we have been worshipping a lie. And it was not only worshipping, we were being destroyed by a lie. We had been exploited by the priesthood of all the organized religions. Our dignity has been destroyed. We have been turned into puppets in the hands of a fiction.
“His declaration that God is dead simply means that Man is born. That is the other side of the coin. And because man is born, he brings freedom to the earth, he brings joy to the earth, he brings dignity to the earth. And he destroys all that was clinging to the ultimate lie, God – all the superstitions, heaven and hell, all theologies, all religions…all kinds of false programming of man’s being. They have also died with God.
“Hence, I celebrate myself and I celebrate you.
“Friedrich Nietzsche’s statement also includes another part: ‘God is dead, therefore man is free.’ God was the slavery of man, he was the bondage. He was the prison that did not allow humanity to rise to its ultimate heights. He was keeping the whole of humanity reduced to subhuman beings, sinners. His death is a great moment to celebrate. His death means man has come of age. He is no longer a child and he does not need a father figure. He can stand on his own feet. He is not a sheep, as all the religions have been telling him, and he does not need any shepherds. Jesus, Krishna, Mahavira, Mohammed, Moses… no prophets are needed, no saviors are needed, no messengers of God are needed. They were all megalomaniacs, and in the name of God they have been pushing human consciousness to the lowest levels of existence.” Osho