A single buddha can make the whole world afire
with a new consciousness and a new humanity.
You are the very hope of a world which is in great despair, in great anguish.
It is not only a question of your individuality, becoming a buddha,
it is a question of saving this whole planet.
In Osho′s understanding Zen is the approach to religion that has not put fetters on mankind. These four talks pay homage to Zen′s reverence for life and its celebration of the everyday. He sees in Zen a seed, pregnant with infinite potential. Interspersed with his comments on anecdotes about the Zen masters Rinzai and Fuketsu, Osho addresses current issues.
With characteristic forthrightness he shows how society diverges from what it preaches and how it lives. This beautifully designed volume of talks also features commentaries on haikus, and a great selection of jokes! The Earth suffers accelerated destruction.
Osho considers that environmental proposals aren’t sufficient to transform the world and prevent the destruction of the planet. For Osho, the solution to this is found in Zen.
One Seed Makes the Whole Earth Green

Zen heeft de Mensheid Nooit Belemmerd
Impression of One Seed makes the whole earth Green
In Osho′s understanding Zen is the approach to religion that has not put fetters on mankind. These four talks pay homage to Zen′s reverence for life and its celebration of the everyday. He sees in Zen a seed, pregnant with infinite potential. Interspersed with his comments on anecdotes about the Zen masters Rinzai and Fuketsu, Osho addresses current issues. With characteristic forthrightness he shows how society diverges from what it preaches and how it lives. This beautifully designed volume of talks also features commentaries on haikus, and a great selection of jokes!
Excerpt from: One Seed Can Make the Whole Earth Green, Chapter 1
“When you die only your physical body dies. The astral body takes your innermost being to another womb, unless you have become enlightened. If you become enlightened, then except your innermost center everything dies, and the center is for the first time released from the prison of the three bodies. It simply melts like ice in the oceanic consciousness of the universe. That is the ultimate freedom.