Discourses on Fragmentary Notes of Bodhidharma’s Four Disciples
De Witte Lotus is een prachtig symbool. Wit vertegenwoordigt multidimensionaal zijn, omdat wit alle kleuren van het spectrum omvat. Dat is de meest merkwaardige, ongelofelijke kwaliteit van wit: zij bevat alle kleuren maar zelf lijkt het kleurloos te zijn. Maar het bevat al deze kleuren in zo’n synthese, in zo’n harmonie, dat ze allemaal verdwijnen. Ze lossen op tot een eenheid ende eenheid is wit. Wit vertegenwoordigt de ultieme synthese en harmonie.

En de lotus is ook een mooi symbool, vooral in het Oosten. De lotus vertegenwoordigt de essentiële betekenis van sannyas. De lotus leeft in het meer en kan het water haar niet aanraken. Zij leeft in het water en toch blijft zij onberoerd door het water. De lotus representeert de kwaliteit van ‘getuige zijn’ van je wezen: je leeft in de wereld en toch maak je er geen deel van uit. Je neemt eraan deel en toch ben je er geen deel van. jij bent in de wereld, maar de wereld is niet in jou.
Wanneer je op kalme en rustige manier het leven observeert, begin je te lachen – geen gewonen lach maar een buiklach zoals het brullen van een leeuw. En er zullen witte lotusbloemen op je neerdalen.
The White Lotus is als ebook en audiobook via internet te bestellen via internet.
The White Lotus Engels
The White Lotus is a beautiful symbol. White represents multidimensionality, because white contains all the colors of the spectrum. That is the most strange, unbelievable quality about white: it contains all the colors yet it seems to be colorless. But it contains all those colors in such synthesis, in such harmony, that they all disappear. They dissolve into oneness and that oneness is white. White represents the ultimate synthesis and harmony.

And the lotus also is a great symbol, particularly in the East. The lotus represents the essential meaning of sannyas. The lotus lives in the lake and yet the water cannot touch it. it lives in the water and yet remains untouched by the water. The lotus represents the witnessing quality of your being: you live in the world, but you remain a witness. You remain in the world and yet you are not part of it. You participate and yet you are not part of it. You are in the world, but the world is not in you.
When you become a calm and cool observer of life you are going to laugh — not ordinarily laughter but a belly laughter like a lion’s roar. And white lotuses will start showering on you.
Buddha and Bodhidharma
Buddha and Bodhidharma are vastly different in their expression of truth. Osho sees Buddha as the silence of a breeze, Bodhidharma he likens to a storm. This discourse series alternates the eminently readable interchanges between Bodhidharma and his disciples. Also there are Osho′s response to questions from his own disciples and other seekers. In the words of one journalist: “Just by reading these discourses there is a risk you may be pulverised by their inspiration.”

Impression of the White Lotus
“There are three ways of looking at existence: feeling it, seeing it, being it. The first is science, the second is art, the third is religion. Science looks at the universe in an objective way. It looks at the universe as if it is there, outside. Hence science concludes that there is only matter and nothing else. The very method of science limits it; it is a great limitation. If you look in an objective way you can catch hold only of the objectivity of existence. That is matter. Matter is the objectiveness of existence. The word object is significant. It means that which obstructs, objects you. Anything that obstructs your vision is an object. Hence science becomes antagonistic towards the world. It starts trying to conquer it, because the object is the enemy and has to be conquered.
Reality is full of paradoxes
” The path to reality is full of paradoxes, hence the logical mind cannot comprehend it. Logic is incapable of understanding a paradox. Logic tries to dissolve all paradoxes, to make things straight, clear. But paradox is intrinsic to nature. Nature exists through contradictions. Contradictions are not really contradictions but complementaries.
“The person who thinks about truth is bound to think wrongly. All thinking is wrong about truth, because the moment you start thinking you follow the path of logic, and reality is paradoxical. They never crisscross. They run parallel, but they never meet.
Existence is a MYSTERY
” Another name for this paradoxicality of existence is mystery. Mystery is not a riddle, mystery is not a problem, because it cannot be solved. There is simply no way to solve it. It is to be lived, experienced. Yet you will not be able to answer what it is, because the moment you try to answer it you have to bring language in and language is logical. Language is created by the logical mind, hence language is inadequate, absolutely inadequate to express truth. Truth can be expressed only through silence, but then silence again is a mystery.
“Innocence is a state of thoughtless awareness. It is another name for no-mind. It is the very essence of buddhahood. You become attuned with the ultimate law of things. You stop fighting, you start flowing with it
” The cunning mind fights, because it is through fight the ego arises, and the cunning mind can exist only around the ego. They can only be together, they are inseparable. If the ego disappears, the cunning mind disappears, and what is left is innocence. If you are fighting with life, if you are going against the current, if you are not natural, spontaneous, if you are living out of the past and not in the present, you are not innocent.” Osho