Superstition, Blind Faith or a Door to the Essential?

Astrology is Born in India
The deepest laws of astrology were first discovered in India. In fact it was only because of astrology that mathematics was born. To make astrological calculations, first mathematics was needed.
Every movement of the stars gives out a vibration, and every star has its own individual movement. All the vibrations of the stars together make a musical harmony which he called the harmony of the universe.
As Osho says: The universe is a living body, an organic unity. In it, nothing is isolated, all is connected. Whatever is far away is connected to that which is near; nothing is separate. So no one should remain in the fallacy that he is an island: isolated, separate, aloof. Everything is connected to the whole, and everything is all the time affecting others and being affected by others.
Astrology aficionados and skeptics alike will find something in this small volume to provoke a new way of looking at what really “makes the world go round.”
Superstition, Blind Faith or a Door to the Essential?
‘Astrology’, superstition, blind faith or a door to the essential? Dit boek is ook als e book verkrijgbaar. Met deze boeiende uitgave haalt Osho de astrologie uit de populistisch-psychologische hoek en uit die van de onbetrouwbare voorspellers van elk mogelijk geluk dat mensen ten deel kan vallen. Hij deelt de inzichten op basis waarvan deze unieke ‘wetenschap omtrent de sterren’ ooit ontstaan is. Van het klassieke India tot aan de verloren gegane Soemerische
beschaving, van Pythagoras tot aan Paracelsus ontdekken we dat er sinds duizenden jaren voortdurend een vleugje bewustzijn geweest is van hoe alle dingen in het universum onderling verbonden zijn. Dit is iets waar de moderne wetenschap nog altijd mee worstelt. Osho verklaart: “Het universum is een levend geheel, een organische eenheid. Wat zich ver weg bevindt, is verbonden met wat dichtbij is: niets staat op zichzelf. Alles staat voortdurend in verbinding met elkaar en het ene onderdeel heeft invloed op het andere en omgekeerd.” Door dit boek zullen voor- en tegenstanders zich uitgedaagd voelen om op een nieuwe manier te kijken naar wat ‘de aarde werkelijk draaiende houdt.’
Het boek is ook verkrijgbaar als e book, bij de Boekhandel of via internet.
Impression van het boek Astrology
In this fascinating volume, Osho reclaims astrology from the pop psychologists and “fortune tellers” and shares the deep insights that first brought this unique science of the stars into being.
From ancient India to the lost civilization of Sumer, from Pythagoras to Paracelsus to Piccardi, we discover that for thousands of years there has been a thread of awareness of how all things in the universe are interconnected – an awareness that modern physics is still struggling to define in scientific terms today.
As Osho says: The universe is a living body, an organic unity. In it, nothing is isolated, all is connected. Whatever is far away is connected to that which is near; nothing is separate. So no one should remain in the fallacy that he is an island: isolated, separate, aloof. Everything is connected to the whole, and everything is all the time affecting others and being affected by others.
Astrology aficionados and skeptics alike will find something in this small volume to provoke a new way of looking at what really “makes the world go round.”
1 Astrology: The Science of Cosmic Oneness
2 Astrology: The Essential and the Peropheral
Excerpt from: Astrology – Superstition, Blind Faith or a Door to the Essential?
Astrology is perhaps the most ancient subject and also in a way the most ignored. It is the most ancient because astrology has been in existence as far back as we have been able to investigate the history of mankind. Astrological inscriptions have been found on bone remnants from the Sumerian cisvilization which existed twenty-five thousand years before Jesus. Bone remnants have been discovered with astrological inscriptions and with an outline of the moon’s orbit in the sky.
But in India this science is even older. In the Rigveda reference is made to a certain constellation of the stars which could only have occurred ninety-five thousand years ago. Because of this, Lokmanya Tilak concluded that the Vedas must certainly be even more ancient: the constellation of the stars as the Vedas describe it could only have occurred at a certain moment ninety-five thousand years ago; so that particular vedic reference must be at least ninety-five thousand years old.
That particular vedic reference could not have been added at a later period. Other, younger generations would not have been able to work out a constellation that existed many years before. But now we have scientific methods which we can use to discover where the stars were at a particular moment in the distant past.
When you are born, the melody that is created by the tuning of the stars at that time is inscribed on your mind in its freshest, most unsophisticated, and most sensitive state — that of birth. Throughout your life this will cause good health or ill health. When you live in tune with the original musical harmony that existed at the time of your birth, then you are healthy. And whenever your tuning with this fundamental musical harmony breaks down, you become ill.