The Message of Your Being

From a Meditation Camp
The talks that make up this concise volume, Silence: The Message of Your Being, were given at a meditation camp. In that setting, Osho offers valuable tools toward an exploration of life’s mysteries. Humorous, down-to-earth stories illustrate the value of living with total intensity and in harmony with existence. And guided meditations give a taste of the silence essential to experience the truth of life.
Who wants to listen the Truth?
“You have listened to my words with such love and silence; I am very, very grateful for that. Because who wants to listen to the truth? People make faraway journeys to listen to lies, but who is willing to listen to the truth? No one is ready, simply because listening to the truth is the beginning of transformation in your life. When you listen to lies, there is no need to transform your life. Listening to the truth is the beginning of a new journey.”- Osho

SILENCE, the Message of your Being NEDERLANDS
Vertaling uit het Hindi van Shunya Ka Nav
“Only those who know what silence is can approach the ultimate truth. Nobody has brought anybody else to the truth, and nobody can bring himself to the ultimate truth unless he knows what silence is.” Osho
Dit boek is nog maar kort geleden uit ’t Hindi vertaald. Eerder ontbrak het daarvoor aan tijd. Het betreft daarom een compleet nieuwe lezingenserie die nu voor Engelstalig publiek toegankelijk wordt. De lezingen zijn door Osho gehouden tijdens een meditatie camp en het gaat dus uiteindelijk ook om pure stilte. De manier waarop Osho dit bij de ‘alsmaar pratende’ mens weet te bereiken, is door humor en aanstekelijke verhalen. Het geraakt worden hierdoor en de lach die opborrelt leiden tot overgave aan totaal leven in een
harmonieuze relatie met ’t Bestaan. Zo kom je tot de diepere laag van stilte en word je open voor meditatie.
Het gaat om Agnosia, een staat van zijn voorbij alle kennis van buitenaf, een levende Stilte. Van de door Osho gepresenteerde geleide meditaties tijdens het het meditatiekamp krijgen we ook het een en ander mee in dit boek Silence.
“De ‘Waarheid’ is alleen maar een manier van spreken; er is niet iets met het label ‘waarheid’ dat je op een dag de doos zult vinden, de inhoud ziet en zegt: “Geweldig! Ik heb de waarheid gevonden.” Zo’n doos is er niet. Je bestaan is de waarheid en wanneer je stil bent, verkeer je in de waarheid. En als de stilte absoluut is, ben je de ultieme waarheid. Maar denk niet aan de waarheid als aan een object. Het is geen object. Zij is niet daar, zij is hier.” Osho
Het boek is verkrijgbaar bij de Boekhandel of via internet, ook als audio book en ebook.
Impressie Van Silence, The Message of Your Being
The talks that make up this concise volume, Silence: the message of your being, were given at a meditation camp. In that setting, Osho offers valuable tools toward exploration of life’s mysteries. Humorous, down-to-earth stories illustrate the value of living with total intensity and harmony with existence. And guided meditations give a taste of the silence essential to experience the truth of life.
“You have listened to my words with such love and silence; I am very, very grateful for that. Because who wants to listen to the truth? People make faraway journeys to listen to lies, but who is willing to listen to the truth? No one is ready, simply because listening to the truth is the beginning of transformation in your life. When you listen to lies, there is no need to transform your life. Listening to the truth is the beginning of a new journey.” Osho
- Preface
- 1 The real pilgrimage happens inside you
- 2 Knowledge is an illusion
- 3 Life is an infinite mystery
- 4 Experience oneness with life
- 5 The art of living authentically
- 6 Love is the pathway to godliness
#7: Meditation is an around-the-clock-matter
From the Preface
‘Existence is known only in absolute silence. But that silence does not mean a dead silence — not the silence of the cemetery but the silence of a garden where birds are singing and bees are humming and flowers are opening, where all is alive.
The silence that one comes to know through meditation, through AGNOSIA, IS a living silence. It is full of song, full of music, full of melody, full of joy, full of love-empty of all thoughts. Even the thought of love, the thought of joy, the thought of silence is absent. But joy is present, LOVE is present. The thought of love is not present; in fact, the thought of love is present only when love is absent. You think of joy only when you are not joyful. When you are really joyous you never think of joy.
Mind gives you substitutes. Because you are joyless, mind gives you the idea of joy. Because you don’t know what love is, mind gives you a thousand and one definitions of love. When you know love, mind has nothing to do; mind simply ceases. One’s real silence is not empty, it is not a kind of absence of everything. On the contrary, it is full — too full, abundantly full, overflowing — not with thoughts but with real experiences. And that is the revelation of the secret.” from Osho, Theologica Mystica