Commentaries on the Ishavasya Upanishad
In these talks Osho gives during a meditation camp, sutras from these ancient Sanskrit scriptures – the Ishavasya Upanishad – are transmuted into stunning insights that can open the reader’s eyes to his own inner reality. Osho speaks on issues that touch the heart and intellect of every individual: love and possessiveness, our investment in forgetting the phenomenon of death and the nature of the mind are amongst but a few. He also gives practical suggestions how to prepare for meditation and how to extract the most from the meditation techniques.
Over de Ishavasya Upanishad
Deze serie talks uit ‘Heartbeat of the Absolute’ gaan over the Ishavasya Upanishad. Deze toespraken zijn door Osho gehouden tijdens een meditatiekamp en handelen over sutra’s uit de oude Sanskriet geschriften. Op een verrassende manier wordt deze oude wijsheid van de Upanishad toegankelijk gemaakt. Osho spreekt over onderwerpen die ieder individu in deze tijd aanspreken, zoals over: ‘liefde en bezitterig zijn’, ‘ons belang om verschijnselen als de dood te vergeten’ en over ‘de aard van de mind’.
Osho geef in deze serie ook praktische suggesties over hoe je het beste op meditatie kunt voorbereiden en hoe je het meest uit bepaalde meditatietechnieken kunt halen.
Het boek Heartbeat of the Absolute is zeldzaam geworden. Mogelijk is het tweedehands verkrijgbaar bij de Boekhandel of te bestellen via internet.
Impressie van ‘Heartbeat of the Absolute’
“Many commentaries have been made on this Upanishad, but this is the first occasion on this earth when the commentary was accompanied by meditation. So a deep search of its manifest meaning and of its inner meaning was made simultaneously. The words of the Upanishad have been explained before, but this is the first occasion on which an active effort has been made to jump into its inner meaning – its soul. Whatever I have been telling you was with the purpose of making a diving board for you: the purpose was the jumping. This is why we entered into meditation at the end of each sutra, so that you might experience its significance by taking a jump into it.
“So now I can tell you its inner meaning. You have not yet considered the meaning of these words enough; but you have done something else – you have reached silence, calm. Those who understand the words are able to know the meaning, but only those who know silence are able to know its inner meaning, its essence. If you have achieved even a little taste of silence, you will be able to understand the inner meaning into which I am about to enter.
“The first thing I shall tell you about the inner meaning of this sutra is that it has declared that life is illogical. This is not said anywhere in so many words in this sutra, there is only a hint about it. Now I shall tell you what is unsaid, what is only hinted at.” Osho