A Meditator’s Guide to Blissful Living

A beautifully illustrated collection of mindfulness exercises – for grounding, relaxation, and finding inner peace – from the mystic Osho.

Featuring whimsical full color illustrations throughout, Coming Home to Yourself invites the reader to dip into the meditations at any point or read the book in sequence for a true homecoming experience.
Osho about Bliss
“Bliss is not pleasure; pleasure is physical, momentary. Bliss is not happiness, either; happiness is psychological – a little deeper than pleasure, but only a little. Pleasure is just on the surface and happiness is skin-deep, but just scratch the skin and it disappears. It has no real roots, it is just in the mind.
“Bliss is neither of the body nor of the mind; hence it has infinite depth. It is your very soul, your self-nature, your being.” Osho
Coming Home by Meditation
All of us have experienced moments of “coming home” – feeling relaxed, grounded, free of the restlessness that characterizes so much of our everyday lives. These moments can arise in nature or in the depths of an activity we enjoy, alone or together. They show us that we are exactly where we are supposed to be.

The meditations in ‘Coming Home to Yourself’ were selected from Osho’s hundreds of public talks and intimate conversations. These passages are designed to be a companion on the journey toward transforming our rare moments of “at-home-ness” into an undercurrent that permeates all aspects of our lives. The Book can be ordered via Internet.

Bij Jezelf Thuis Komen
Een prachtig geïllustreerde verzameling mindfulness-oefeningen – om te aarden, te ontspannen en innerlijke rust te vinden – van de mysticus Osho.
Het boek ‘Coming Home to Yourself’ bevat overal fantastische illustraties in kleur en nodigt de lezer uit om op elk moment in de meditaties te duiken of het boek achter elkaar door te lezen voor het echte thuiskomen. Het boek kan besteld worden in de Nederlandse Boekhandel
Osho over Bliss/Gelukzaligheid
“Geluk is geen plezier; plezier is fysiek, tijdelijk. Geluk is ook geen voorspoed; geluk is psychologisch – een beetje dieper dan plezier, maar slechts een klein beetje. Plezier zit gewoon aan de oppervlakte en geluk is oppervlakkig als de huid, krab maar eens op de huid en het verdwijnt. Het heeft geen echte wortels, het is gewoon in de mind gelegen.
“Gelukzaligheid is niet iets van het lichaam en ook niet iets van de mind; daarom heeft het oneindige diepte. Het is je eigen ziel, je eigen natuur, je wezen.” Osho
Coming Home: This is my Work Here
And that’s my whole work here, to help to dig a well within your being so that you can find the undercurrent of blissfulness.
When you dig deep within yourself, first you will find truth, then you will find consciousness, and then you will find bliss. Bliss is the deepest – and the deepest is also the highest.

God is only a name for bliss. God is not a person. The very idea of God as a person has misled humanity. It is an experience, the experience that is beyond bodymind, the experience of that which is hidden in you and has always been there. You need not create it; you need not search for it anywhere else; you just have to dive deep within yourself.
To search means a turning in, it means exploring your interiority. I am not against the exterior – the exterior is beautiful – but if you don’t know your interiority, if you don’t know your inner world, your exterior cannot be very beautiful. It can have depth, beauty, joy, only if you are rooted within your own sources.