The Buddha the Emptiness of the Heart

Talks on Zen

In this particularly potent dose of Zen, Osho challenges the reader to know the “empty heart,” beyond thoughts, feelings, and sentiment – the door to eternity that exists within everyone. Using stories and haikus from past Zen masters, Osho reveals the relevance of Zen for the contemporary world. He separates Zen from all the religions in the world, stating that they are obsolete, whereas the Zen he is presenting is an alive phenomenon.

The Buddha the Emptiness of the heartIn “the Buddha the Emptiness of the Heart” daagt Osho de lezer uit om het “lege hart” te leren kennen, voorbij gedachten, gevoelens en sentiment, de deur naar de Existentie die zich in iedereen bevindt. En hij doet dat met behulp van deze bijzondere krachtige dosis Zen in dit boek.
Terwijl hij verhalen en haiku’s van Zen Meesters uit het verleden gebruikt, ontvouwt Osho de relevantie van Zen voor de huidige wereld. Hij zet Zen apart van alle religies in de wereld. waarbij hij aangeeft dat ze verouderd zijn, terwijl de Zen stroming die hij presenteert, een levend verschijnsel is.

“Alle boeddha’s uit alle eeuwen hebben hetzelfde gedaan. Ze hebben allen de hele inhoud van de mind verbrand en zodoende ruimte gemaakt dat de bronnen van het leven direct kunnen stromen en je voor de eerste keer je eigen eeuwigheid, je eigen glans kunt leren kennen.

Het is een paradox om te zeggen, maar het is een feit dat al je religieuze onderricht een barrière is om religieus te worden.”

“De authentieke meester neemt eenvoudig de dingen weg die je niet hebt en waarvan je gelooft dat je ze hebt en hij geeft je wat je al hebt. Je hebt veel dingen die je helemaal niet hebt, je gelooft alleen dat je ze hebt. De functie van de meester is die van een chirurg, om alles wat niet van jou is, weg te snijden en alleen de essentiële kern over te laten – het eeuwige wezen.” Osho

Osho is een Revolutie

Osho is een revolutie die meehelpt aan de geboorte van ieder individu: “Ik probeer op elke mogelijke manier al die dingen te laten vallen die in het verleden barrières geweest zijn voor een doorgaande en groeiende revolutie. Ik wil niet dat er iemand tussen het individu en het bestaan staat. Geen gebed, geen printer -jij alleen bent genoeg om de opkomende zon te zien. Je hebt niet iemand nodig om voor jou te interpreteren wat een prachtige zonsopkomst is.”

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‘The Buddha the Emptiness of the Heart’

In this particularly potent dose of Zen, Osho challenges the reader to know the “empty heart”, beyond thoughts, feelings and sentiment – the door to eternity that exists within everyone.
Using stories and haikus from past Zen masters, Osho reveals the relevance of Zen for the contemporary world. He separates Zen from all the religions in the world, stating that they are obsolete, whereas the Zen he is presenting is an alive phenomenon.

“All the buddhas have done the same. They have all burned the whole contents of the mind and cleared the space so that the life springs can flow directly and you can know for the first time your own eternity, your own splendor.
It is a paradox to say it, but it is a fact that all your religious teaching is a barrier to your becoming religious.’

Impression of ‘The Buddha the Emptiness of the Heart’

“No scriptures can give you the experience of your being. They are really the hindrances – your life spring is covered by those layers of prejudices and conceptions. Unless you throw them away, The Buddha the Emptiness of the Heartwhether it is the Bible or Shrimad Bhagavadgita or the holy Koran or Dhammapada… it does not matter what it is. Whatever is covering your life spring, throw it away without a single moment of hesitation. Because all that is borrowed is just dust, layers and layers of dust, and you are covered with that dust.

Seeking Within

“All the holy ones have turned within and sought in the self, and by this, went beyond all doubt.
“He is saying:” It is not only me, but all the Buddha’s have done the same. They have all burned the whole contents of the mind and cleared the space so that the life springs can flow directly and you can know for the first time your own eternity, your own splendour.” It is a paradox to say it, but it is a fact that all your religious teaching is a barrier to your becoming religious. To know anything about God from others is dangerous. It will prevent you from knowing existence directly, and you will settle for cheap knowledge.

The Revolution of Zen

Zen’s whole revolution is: don’t settle for cheap knowledge; go for the costly experience. And anything that hinders the way, throw it out. Gautam Buddha has even said, &lsqout;If I come into your meditations, cut off my head immediately! Nobody is to be allowed to hinder your progress.&rsquot; These were real lions. Humanity can be proud of these people who did not desire to enslave you, as Catholics, as Hindus, as Mohammedans; whose whole effort was to liberate you from all churches, and to help you penetrate your own reality. That is the only truth, the only space which is holy.
To turn within means all the twenty-four hours, and in every situation, to pierce, one by one, through the layers covering the self, deeper and deeper, to a place which cannot be described. It is when thinking comes to an end and making distinctions ceases, when wrong views and ideas disappear of themselves without having to be driven forth; when, without being sought, the true action and true impulse appear of themselves. It is when one can know what is the truth of the heart. The Buddha the Emptiness of the Heart

From Falsehood to Truth

In these few statements he has covered the whole journey from falsehood to truth, from darkness to light, from death to immortality. What he has said can be condensed, so that you can remember it not as knowledge but only as a finger indicating the moon – just a few hints for your own inner journey.
“The first thing is, twenty-four hours a day, to remember what you find in your meditations. You will forget again and again, but the gaps of forgetfulness will become less and the length of remembering will become longer. By and by the gaps of forgetting will disappear. There comes a time when you are a whole circle of remembrance, twenty-four hours. Even in your sleep you know you are a buddha.” Osho