Living Beyond Happiness and Misery
Talks on the Shiva Sutra’s
“There is no flood in bliss. Bliss is a cool ray, a cool light, there is no flood in it. Bliss is, in a sense, something like sadness. Sadness is between happiness and misery; bliss is beyond both. Sadness is a state of darkness where everything is blunt, dull; sadness is a deathlike state where everything languishes in inertia.
Bliss is a luminous state of awareness, but there is neither misery nor happiness there. In this sense bliss is like sadness, where there is no happiness or misery. There is light, but the light is not that of happiness because even the light of happiness has an intensity that makes you perspire.” Osho
BLISS… Living Beyond Happiness and Misery
In het Bliss kunnen we het volgende lezen: Bliss wil niet zeggen dat we het over ‘happiness’ hebben. Happiness is wat iedereen zoekt en wat tamelijk oppervlakkig van aard is. Daarom is het ook geenszins vervullend en gaan mensen maar door met naar happiness te zoeken. Want het ene moment is het er en het volgende moment is het weer verdwenen.
Mensen snaaien dingen voor de neus van een ander weg en dat geeft ze een kick. Even ben je blij en weg is het weer. Datzelfde willen mensen ook met de diepste waarheid omtrent het leven doen. En het is in feite de mannelijke manier van doen: aanval en agressie, wegpikken en meenemen.
Maar de vrouwelijke weg is een heel andere: overgave en diep in zichzelf gaan. Wetenschap is de mannelijke manier en religieus zijn is het pad van de vrouw.
Happiness is zo vluchtig, omdat het in feite verborgen unhappiness is. Het is gecultiveerd.
We zijn grootgebracht met het idee, dat we het kunnen oefenen
om goed te leven, dat we geluk ‘klaar kunnen spelen’. Maar echt diepgaand geluk als Bliss kun je alleen laten gebeuren. Je kunt het leven spontaan haar gang laten gaan in je, zoals aan de wild fladderende vogels op het plaatje te zien is.
En de diepe wijsheid die Osho ons hierbij aanreikt is: “Alles wat je schept, is
altijd kleiner dan jij. Een schildering kan niet grootser zijn dan de schilder op dat moment is. En als je geluk gaat scheppen, is het altijd jij die op de achtergrond aanwezig is, met alle ego trips, achterlijkheid en mind-chaos.”
Het boek Bliss is, gedeeltelijk, als ebook verkrijgbaar in de Boekhandel.
Echt geluk, gelukzaligheid, kan alleen binnenin worden gevonden
Impressie van Bliss
Talks on the Shiva Sutras
Everyone is searching for happiness, says Osho, but because they are looking in the wrong direction – outside – no one ever really finds it. Real happiness, bliss, can only be found inside. It can be reached by learning the “knack” of dis-identifying with the mind.
This book on the ancient wisdom of the Shiva Sutras explains how to do this.
These sutras will challenge and disturb people’s ideas about how life can be lived, but they also reveal how bliss is already hidden within the states we all experience daily: waking, dreaming and sleeping.
He shows how to dis-identify from the desires and attachments of the mind that trap everyone during this life, and pull them into the next. “The beginning of being human happens only when we get out of this vicious circle called mind.”
Chapter Titles
Chapter 1: Your Desires Are Your Hell
Chapter 2: The Art of Dis-identification
Chapter 3: The First Step: A Sense of Wonder
Chapter 4: Deepening the Mantra of Meditation
Chapter 5: Conquering Your Attachments
Chapter 6: Mastering the Mind
Chapter 7: Trust Is the Door
Chapter 8: The Mysterious Fourth State
Chapter 9: Hell Is Outside, Heaven Is Inside
Chapter 10: Om: A Taste of Bliss
Excerpt from Bliss: Living beyond Happiness and Misery
Chapter 6
There is no flood in bliss. Bliss is a cool ray, a cool light, there is no flood in it. Bliss is, in a sense, something like sadness. Sadness is between happiness and misery; bliss is beyond both. Sadness is a state of darkness where everything is blunt, dull; sadness is a deathlike state where everything languishes in inertia. Bliss is a luminous state of awareness, but there is neither misery nor happiness there. In this sense bliss is like sadness, where there is no happiness or misery. There is light, but the light is not that of happiness because even the light of happiness has an intensity that makes you perspire.
This is why people also get tired of happiness. You cannot remain happy for long. It will tire you, because there is intensity in it, sharpness and fever in it. If you were to win the lottery every day you would die, you would not survive. It’s okay if you win it only once in a while, but if you win it every day the tension will be so great that you will not be able to sleep. Your heart will beat so fast that you will not be able to rest. The excitement will be so great that it will become your death. So happiness can only be taken in homeopathic doses. You will not be able to take an allopathic dose. It is given in very small doses – a lot of sorrow, a little bit of joy. Only that much is bearable because happiness is also tension; it has heat, excitement.
Misery is a tension, happiness is also a tension. There is excitement in both. Bliss is a non-excited state of mind; there is light there, but no heat. There is dance there, but no excitement. There is a silent, serene dance without any sound. This dance is in emptiness: it causes no fatigue, it is not of the body. Both happiness and misery belong to the body, but bliss belongs to your being; it is a different dance altogether.