Being Osho: rare Pearls


Compilation of talks in this book are picked up from the special occasions that occurred around Osho in the late seventies when he used to meet seekers arriving from all around the world in intimate gatherings. The seekers would open up their hearts and beings to the x-ray vision of the master and he would take them by hand to the unknown territories of their innermost being before leaving them alone to walk their own walk. These talks are a welcome to the inner journey and also a farewell to a flight to unknown.

Osho explains: “And the third and the highest state is that of a devotee. In that state the master and the disciple are no more separate: union happens — not only communion but union, a kind of unity. That has been our way in the East. The seeker comes as a student, falls in love with the master, becomes a disciple; and one day the love has matured, the master and the disciple have met, really met. In that meeting, the devotee is born.” …

Being Osho: rare Pearls from OSHO Darshan Diaries

Het boek “Being Osho: rare Pearls” bevat Osho’s wijsheid die tijdens de bijzondere ontmoetingen van Osho met mensen naar voren kwam.
Dit schitterend uitgevoerde boek is samengesteld uit de diverse gesprekken die Osho in de late jaren ’70 van de vorige eeuw had met zoekers die vanuit alle hoeken van de aarde naar hem toe kwamen. Being Osho: rare pearlsHet waren speciale gelegenheden waarop in besloten kring intieme ontmoetingen met de Meester plaatsvonden. De zoekers openden hun hart en wezen voor de doordringende visie van de meester en hij nam hen bij de hand naar het onbekende terrein van hun innerlijke kern voordat hij hen hun eigen pad liet volgen. Deze talks zijn een welkom voor de innerlijke reis en ook een vaarwel voor een vlucht in het onbekende.

“Iedereen is met vleugels geboren, maar omdat we ze nooit gebruikt hebben, zijn we het bestaan ervan totaal vergeten. Het werk van een meester is niets anders dan dit, je laten zien dat je vleugels hebt. Hij heeft als taak om je steeds meer in het onbekende te duwen zodat je kunt beginnen om je vleugels te gebruiken. Hij moet je uit je zekerheden stoten. Hij moet je op veel manieren ontwortelen. Hij moet je zekerheden vernietigen en je de onbekende hemel insturen, omdat alleen dat je kan helpen om je vleugels terug te krijgen, je vleugels te herkennen.” Osho

Het boek “Being Osho: rare pearls” is te bestellen via internet.

Being Osho: Rare pearls from Osho Darshan Diaries. Compilation of talks in this book are picked up from the special occasions that occurred around Osho in the late seventies when he used to meet seekers arriving from all around the world in intimate gatherings. The seekers would open up their hearts and beings to the x-ray vision of the master and he would take them by hand to the unknown territories of their innermost being before leaving them alone to walk their own walk. These talks are a welcome to the inner journey and also a farewell to a flight to unknown.

The book “Being Osho: rare pearls” can be ordered by internet.

Interview with Satya Vedant (dr. Vasant Joshi) about “Being Osho: rare pearls”

Your new book ‘Being Osho: rare Pearls’ is a stunning collection of ‘pearls’, hand-selected from a greater body of Osho’s darshan diaries. Why did you come up with the idea of making this compilation?

It has been widely felt that we need to make Osho’s darshan diaries available to seekers/readers and make a compilation out of his more than fifty darshan diaries. One of my sannyasin friends, Jagdish, a publisher, offered to publish a book, not too voluminous, containing gems from these personal and inspirational conversations that took place between seekers and Osho during the daily evening darshans.
The darshan diaries reveal Osho’s insights, guidance, recommendations on so many themes which cover almost every aspect of human life, growth and evolution. I selected, for keeping it manageable, twenty-one darshan diaries and made a list of over thirty themes. ‘Being Osho’ is the first theme that presents a fascinating picture of who Osho is – in his own words, as he pours his heart conversing with the seeker before him.

Along with your editorial contribution and translation, the book has a rare graphic beauty, with large photos of Osho, surprise elements of nature’s beauty, and creative font size and layout. In terms of book design, it’s really exciting and fresh, offering a multi-dimensional sensation. Whom do we need to credit for this?

Publishing, book design and photographs can all be credited to my publisher, Jagdish.

You have produced such a beautiful, prolific canon of works over the last decades. Your amazing and very successful translation of Osho discourses on Kabir, Fabric of Life, was released just last summer. With so much worldwide travel, how do you find time to write? Do you have any writer’s rituals you’d like to share?

Considering the fact that I travel within India and abroad, it requires that I consciously set aside a block of time/days, as and when it becomes possible, solely for the purpose of writing.

Oftentimes, writers, editors and translators meet really difficult challenges in producing a large work such as ‘Being Osho: rare Pearls’. Did you have any valley experiences or interesting challenges arise during this project?

The biggest challenge was: not to get so lost in Osho’s beautiful words, insights, and compassionate flow that I may forget the task at hand and the book may never see the light of the day.

As a learned, creative scholar you could write about anything. Why has your focus been singularly Osho?

Ever since receiving his blessings, surrendering to Osho and his work, for me, has been more like a way of life. And, ever since then, Osho/Existence/Universe has been taking me along as the river takes the leaf along so delicately with such care, such compassion. Osho is not a person, Osho is a phenomenon. One cannot mentally comprehend his being and hence it is not possible to describe him in words. Osho is like the sun—radiant, powerful, luminous and nourishing. Such as we can see everything in the light spread by the sun we cannot see the sun through our eyes; similarly, one can see the reality of life in the light of Osho but one cannot actually see him.
And yet, I have realized, it needs to be made widely known that Osho has precisely done what Freud may see it as utopia. Creating a worldwide revolution in consciousness, Osho has given the clarion call to grow and transform the “destructive instincts” and become more creative, loving and compassionate beings through meditative awareness.
Osho has gone deeper into the human psyche than perhaps Einstein or Freud has. He has openly addressed the hypocritical and the schizophrenic state of humanity.

Being completely saturated with Osho’s life and discourses for many years, do you ever feel your writing is stream of consciousness or do you engage your mind?

Osho explains: “And the third and the highest state is that of a devotee. In that state the master and the disciple are no more separate: union happens — not only communion but union, a kind of unity. That has been our way in the East. The seeker comes as a student, falls in love with the master, becomes a disciple; and one day the love has matured, the master and the disciple have met, really met. In that meeting, the devotee is born.” …
And at that point of my arriving as being a devotee of my beloved master Osho, the mind has no room to interfere in what comes through my writing except for making sure that the language and its diction are appropriate to the content –which flows from some internal reservoir containing what I may have learned from him. And at that moment, I realize, how his grace is so infinite.