“The Zen master’s whole work is to make things so difficult for the mind that you become tired of the mind, tired of thinking, and you put it aside. And the moment of restfulness, when you have put the mind aside, brings you to the door of existence.” Osho
The New Man…
The new person will be a spontaneous person, unpredictable, willing to risk newness; often willing to risk saying or doing the wild, the far-out thing. He will believe that everything is possible and everything can be tried. He will not cling to the known, he will always be available to the unknown, even the knowable. And he will not make sacrifices for any future – because he will not be an idealist, he will not sacrifice for any abstract ideas, ideals, ideologies.
The Empty Mirror Nederlands
Ma Tzu, The Empty Mirror, opnieuw uitgegeven
Dit is een prachtige herdruk uit de serie van de Zen meesters. Indertijd waren deze boeken overal totaal uitverkocht en werden er op verkoop-sites enorm hoge prijzen voor gevraagd. Mooi dat de delen nu opnieuw verschijnen, met prachtige moderne covers. Osho benadrukt dat ‘ons boeddha zijn’ niet iets is wat behaald dient te worden. Onze boeddha-natuur is al een feit. Juist door haar na te jagen, kun je deze staat van zijn mislopen. Het komt er op aan dat we diep ontspannen zijn en dan ontmoeten we onze boeddha in z’n absolute glorie.
De Zen meesters zijn uiterst excentrieke figuren. Ze gebruiken absoluut originele methodes om iemand wakker te schudden.
Ma Tzu bracht de discipel zo in de knel dat deze moe werd van zijn eigen eindeloze mind-spelletjes en deze tenslotte opgaf.
Impressie van Ma Tzu the Empty Mirror
“The Zen master’s whole work is to make things so difficult for the mind that you become tired of the mind, tired of thinking, and you put it aside. And the moment of restfulness, when you have put the mind aside, brings you to the door of existence.” Osho
“It has to be understood that buddhahood cannot be attained, it is already your nature. If you try to attain it, you will mis it. You just ahve to relax and see within yourself, and the buddha is already there in its absolute spelndor.”
He walks on all fours like a cow and has eyes of a tiger. He was born with two rings marked on the soles of his feet and twists the noses of his disciples. The unpredictable Ma Tzu brings fresh responses and devices to every situation – he is an empty mirror that simply reflects. Osho illuminates Ma Tzu’s teaching, that to see things as they really are you have to be like a mirror: absolutely empty, clean, without any judgments.
Het boek Ma Tzu the Empty Mirror is verkrijgbaar bij de Boekhandel.
Preface about the New Man
The new person will be a spontaneous person, unpredictable, willing to risk newness; often willing to risk saying or doing the wild, the far-out thing. He will believe that everything is possible and everything can be tried. He will not cling to the known, he will always be available to the unknown, even the knowable. And he will not make sacrifices for any future – because he will not be an idealist, he will not sacrifice for any abstract ideas, ideals, ideologies.
The new man will trust his own experience, and have a profound distrust of all external authority. He will trust only his own experience; unless he knows something he will not trust it. No external authority can help the new man. Nobody can say: ‘I say so, so you have to believe. Because we have always believed, so you have to believe. Because our forefathers believed, so you have to believe. Because it is written in the Vedas and the Bible, you have to believe.’
The new man is not going to have anything to do with such nonsense, the new man will believe only if the knows. This is real trust: trust in one’s own possibilities, one’s own potential. The new man will respect himself – to believe in external authorities is disrespectful toward one’s own being.
And finally, the new man will like being close to elemental nature: to the sea, the sun, the snow; to flowers, animals, birds; to life, growth, death. This, according to me, is the most important phenomenon happening today. A new man is coming into existence; the first rays are already on the horizon. Prepare yourself to receive the new man. Get ready.